Posture Building App
: Pozy
3 months(Sep - Dec 2021)
After Effects
UX ResearchUX Design
Visual Design
Usability Testing

Average person spends more than 18 years of their adult lifetime sitting down, study finds
The average person leads a very sedentary lifestyle – spending 51 hours and 44 minutes seated during a typical week. Continuous sitting is bad for our health. Many people in offices or schools make the mistake of sitting almost all day long. This often results in excessive and one-sided strain on the back and chronic back pain, which becomes a disturbance of concentration.“How might we make people with a sedentary lifestyle have a proper posture that will help them build a healthier life-long habit?”
"POZY" is the app that allows sedentary people to build a healthier life-long posture habit by giving an alert and suggesting the correct posture to the users.
Three main features to solve people who are suffering from wrong posture and pain: Knowing users’ lifestyle, giving a reminder, and analyzing their environment and posture to give a feedback and build a habit gradually.

Measure Distance
Calculate the most proper height of the desk, the distance or angle between the chair and the desk with ergonomics approach
Time Reminder for Break
Reminds you when it's time to take a break from staying seated, and demonstrate a series of stretches
Scan Posture
Detect user’s posture with a posture detector based on AI and give feedback for correction

I had a conversation with five distinctive users to interview and get feedback. The five users are either a student or office workers who mostly have a sedentary lifestyle and in the range of 20-34 year old, matching my personas
- Understand attitudes, behaviors, frictions, and aspirations of sedentary people with the app Pozy.
- Identify the real user’s pain points while sitting for a long time.
- Get feedback and validate the concept, prototype, and key features of app Pozy
I asked questions about the user's basic lifestyle and introduced an app by showing a storyboard to guide how the user can go through the app. I explained the key feature, and the user gave me detailed feedback and described how the experience was.
Interview with five users:

Tone of Voice
Informative & Functional
Leading an audience to a clear and right path with factual information and help is key to our identity.
Present the service in an intriguing direction and be tailored to the audience for better communication.
Write in a way that shows affection and pays attention to the audience for emotional interaction.
Brand Principles

Future Proof
Our platform would be consistent throughout your life, and timeless design is essential to preserve the value

Our system and each step should be intuitive and straightforward to simplify the process of the audience's experience
Need a drop of excitement for maintaining constant interest from the user

1) Start “Pozy”
Start with questionnaire to analyze the pattern of users and automatically set up an alarm and stretch
- Explain the importance of posture and break
- Understand User’s daily lifestyle
2) Tracker
Shows today’s activity and progress of posture with clear visuals
- Posture Accuracy from scanning
- Long term progress to encourage the user
- Community and Challenges
3) Scan
The scanning desk area and modifying distance with ergonomic approach is the first stage to solve the posture issue.
- Detect the height, distance, angle of desk area
- Give a feedback and correction
- Suggest other products
Knowing your current status, and the right posture is next.
- Scan your posture and save images for further record
- Following the voice prompt, the user can scan with selfie mode
- Provide a standard posture as a boundary
4) Alarm
5) Notification
Instant way to see user’s daily record and do sketch